Timbel, the food is not very strange again, everywhere, from the tent to stall famous restaurant food is always fill out the list menu. Who make this place a bit different, other than because he is already tens of years since an 86-year, also provides the red rice.
Red rice in the womb have known that nutrition higher than white rice. I wonder, nutrition 5 womb appeal 1. Reading from a few references, rice, white rice is derived from the grinding of the skin. While the rice came from rice flattered that not many of epidermis. Rice husk contain oil and natural fibers.
Hence, rice is also often become food for the baby because the uterus is nutrition. With the delivery of rice in five years and can increase Feed, vitamins and minerals.
Created by : http://images.google.co.id/imgres?imgurl=http://bandung.detik.com/images/content/2008/07/04/489/insertbawean.jpg&imgrefurl=http://bandung.detik.com/read/2008/07/04/102655/966855/489/info/tv/arsip.html&usg=__9b6ZD_eK1LIGNYxXzkyCdTQJ7uU=&h=272&w=285&sz=35&hl=id&start=20&tbnid=swmpNa18voQIxM:&tbnh=110&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3DNasi%2BMerah%2BLombok%2BIjo%26hl%3Did%26sa%3DG
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