Pulitzer found ingredients to make instant rice Uduk fetched, it is confident it does not Uduk rice with its own flavor, I added it still leaves one, and orange leaves lengkuas to enrich the taste ....
Rice Uduk is a favorite food because I think it is different from the usual rice-rice. Rice Uduk this is a mixture of spices. The feeling is very very tasty. Usually I eat Rice Uduk this using chicken roasted, fried chicken, or just with his usual tempe fry only. However, nothing can overcome the sense of its super delicious. I like his usual in the street, but now the place is not selling anymore. Perhaps because the public interest. But it is, do not do anything, because I have found a new place to enjoy the Rice Uduk again.
Created by : http://images.google.co.id/imgres?imgurl=http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg76/fabiolaenyvan/NasiUduk2-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://fabiolalawalata.multiply.com/recipes/item/7%3F%26item_id%3D7%26view:replies%3Dreverse&usg=__JIsNSMqIukeDcRhHduTe0m1LFEk=&h=346&w=399&sz=100&hl=id&start=1&tbnid=nXek2zeoW_hU_M:&tbnh=108&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnasi%2Buduk%26hl%3Did%26sa%3DG
coffè very tasty and if it was served with iced tea makes everything delicious.Thank you for the information
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